Biodiversity, also called biological diversity, is the variety of life found in a place on Earth or, often, the total variety of life on Earth. A common measure of this variety, called species richness, is the count of species in an area.
Carbon credit
A carbon credit is a kind of permit that represents 1 ton of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere. They can be purchased by an individual or, more commonly, a company to make up for carbon dioxide emissions that come from industrial production, delivery vehicles, or travel.
a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
Ecosystem services
Ecosystem services are all the processes and outputs that nature provides us with. These include provisioning services (food, water), regulating services (wastewater treatment, pollution control), supporting services (shelter), and cultural services (recreation and tourism)
Reference: Ecosystem Services: Definition.
the fact of large amounts of water covers an area that is usually dry
SYNONYM flooding
the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.
Salinity tolerance
The salt tolerance of a plant is often defined as the degree to which the plant can withstand, without significant adverse effects, moderate or high concentrations of salt in water on its leaves or in the soil within reach of its roots. In practice, salt tolerance is a relative term.
Seagrass meadows
A seagrass meadow or seagrass bed is an underwater ecosystem formed by seagrasses. Seagrasses are marine (saltwater) plants found in shallow coastal waters and in the brackish waters of estuaries. Seagrasses are flowering plants with stems and long green, grass-like leaves.
Reference: Seagrass meadow – Wikipedia
Tidal marches
A tidal marsh (also known as a type of “tidal wetland”) is a marsh found along rivers, coasts, and estuaries which floods and drains by the tidal movement of the adjacent estuary, sea, or ocean. Tidal marshes experience many overlapping persistent cycles, including diurnal and semi-diurnal tides, day-night temperature fluctuations, spring-neap tides, seasonal vegetation growth and decay, upland runoff, decadal climate variations, and centennial to millennial trends in sea level and climate.